Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Posture and Body Language


We’re all wondering when winter is going to wind down. We lose confidence in our state; maybe in ourselves. Few days ago, we focused on the science behind right standing,sitting,walking postures and the benefits their provides us. This week, we turn that focus to posture and body language. What is it about body language that can boost that confidence that we might be lacking in this tundra we call home?

Have you watched  this week’s blog post comes from a Ted Talk by Amy Cuddy, we felt it would be beneficial to explain it in our  words.

Body language derived from before humans, when apes would expand their arms when confident and cross them close to their bodies when nervous or intimidated. These same expressions of emotion are seen in humans today. Before a job interview, we tend to crunch up when in actuality, we should be doing the exact opposite. We should stretch out and tell ourselves that we are assertive and confident. Cuddy explains a new version of “fake it ’till you make it” in which her research actually shows that you are capable of “fake it ’till you become it.” It’s a simple concept of “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident. As it turns out, it can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and often has a direct impact on chances for success.
The second aspect of posture I want to touch on is that of Posture in the Work Place. Sitting all day everyday is not good for your back… but you knew that. What you might not know is that exercise still doesn’t begin to make up for the damage that poor posture is doing to your body. These aspects of posture can leave big impacts on your life, short-term and long-term.


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